Tagged with 'tv voltage converter'

Voltage Converters for TVs: Moving Overseas

voltage converters for tvsIf you're getting ready to relocate overseas - either temporarily or permanently - you're undoubtedly facing a lot of decisions when it comes to your belongings. There's a lot to consider, both in regards to your possessions and the cost of replacing them. Should you bring your things with you? Should you buy new things upon arrival? There can be some tough choices to make.


Often times, people choose to sell their belongings and buy new things when they arrive to their destination country. The reasons for this can be that they're not going to pay for shipping their things overseas, or, that they're already shipping certain important things and don't have the space for anything else. But sometimes, the prices you'd sell your belongings for is exceptionally less, often 20% of what you paid for them new. This is especially true with electronics. You're actually losing money.


So what do you do if you bought a new 60" Smart TV just 6 months ago and are moving to Japan or the UK? First, you need to take into consideration that both of those countries utilize an electrical voltage of 220 volts, which means that your North American TV (manufactured for use with 120 volts) won't work there. You have two options. You can sell or give your TV away at a huge loss, or you can take it with you.


But wait, didn't we just mention that your TV won't work overseas? That's correct, but there's a solution. What is it? A voltage converter.


Voltage converters or voltage transformers as they're often called, allow for the voltage to be converted either up or down, providing a platform to plug in your electronics safely and securely no matter where you are in the world. For example, a step-down converter will step the voltage down from 220 to 110, allowing you to use your 110-volt TV in a 220-volt country. Relatively speaking, it's a simple concept.


While you may have heard about multisystem TVs, which are also an excellent choice, they're not of much help when you have to fork out another chunk of change for a new TV when you just recently spent over a thousand dollars on one (or maybe much more) less than a year ago. A voltage converter is the cheapest and most effective way to do it. It's financially beneficial and it takes less time to buy one than to sell your TV and buy another.


Voltage converters for TVs are very common, and rather simple to use. Simply plug your voltage converter into the wall outlet (using the proper plug or plug adapter if needed), set the converter to the proper setting (step-down in our case), and simply plug your TV directly into the voltage converter. It's really that simple.


So, will you bite the bullet and splurge on a new TV, or will you make the smart decision and spend significantly less for a voltage converter? The choice is yours. For more information on voltage converters, check out our voltage converter buying guide. It will tell you everything you need to know about voltage converters for TVs. While you're there, you can browse our huge selection of voltage converters and make an informed decision on what you're going to do. Safe travels!

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