Tagged with 'bread'

Russell Hobbs 220 Volt Bread Maker

The Russell Hobbs Model 23620 Bread Maker is an excellent choice for those seeking to create fresh bread at home. Constructed for both novices and experts, it allows users to quickly and easily pump out fresh, delicious bread. Its fast-bake option and numerous customization settings make it a household favorite.

The Russell Hobbs bread maker.

What Does it Do?

The Russell Hobbs Bread Maker does exactly what it claims to: it makes bread. One simply adds the ingredients needed to make dough- flour, water, yeast, and whatever else is desired- and the device starts the process. This is a huge relief for those of us who regularly make bread at home. Plus, what is normally a very hands-on process involving careful timing and kneading becomes overwhelmingly simple.

Perhaps this device's greatest feature is its 'fast bake' option. With this, the cook-time of bread is reduced from hours to a mere 55 minutes. Fast bake is not usable for every type of bread, but simple loaves can be pumped out rapidly as a result. This is an excellent option for those who want bread quickly, such as for an upcoming meal.

An interesting feature of the Russell Hobbs Bread Maker is that it can be used for more than just bread. Additionally, the device has a specific setting for making jam. Alongside this, it can be used to make pizza or pastry dough with ease. While you would clearly not want to actually bake pizza dough in this device, it is a clean and simple way to get through the messiest part of the process. In short, the numerous options provided by this device assist it in avoiding the typical problem associated with countertop appliances. To clarify, that problem is having only one use. The Russell Hobbs Bread Maker provides ample utility for the space it takes up.

Additional Features

A unique feature to this bread maker is that of its "Power Cut-Off Memory" function. The device retains information regarding where it was within the baking process if it is unplugged or power is lost. This is ideally not a common occurrence, but this feature can be highly beneficial for those who have inconsistent electricity or children who might mess with the plug.

Another feature which we enjoyed is that of "Crust Control". With the Crust Control feature, users can select what type of crust they wish to develop on their bread. There are three options, varying from light to dark, making it easier to tweak recipes or batches for specific purposes or tastes.

A close-up of the bread maker and its pan.


As a whole, this is a fantastic bread maker which is able to make a wide variety of doughs with absolutely minimal effort. Its ability to craft white breads astonishingly quickly impressed us heavily. In conclusion, we recommend the Russell Hobbs Bread Maker to those with families or children, as well as those who simply love homemade bread.

You can purchase the Russell Hobbs Bread Maker today at 220-Electronics.com. 220-Electronics provides competitive pricing, fast shipping, and top-notch support for those who need assistance with moving or planning trips overseas. Contact the experts at 220-Electronics.com today!
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