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Voltage Converters for France

voltage converters for franceIf you're planning a move or long-term travel to france from North America, it might be a good idea to purchase a voltage converter. In North America electricity is delivered at 120 volts, and in turn, all electronics sold in America are designed to operate at 120-volt electricity. France on the other hand uses 220 volt electricity, which means that your North American electronics cannot be used there. The voltage in France is too high for 120-volt electronics and attempting to use them can result in damaged electronics, electrical shock, or even a fire. There is a simple solution however, for using 120-volt electronics in a 220-volt environment - a voltage converter, also known as a voltage transformer.


Voltage converters do exactly what the name implies - they convert voltage. The converter is plugged directly into an electrical outlet and when turned on, it converters the electricity to the proper voltage. The converter itself actually has outlets built in, and this is where you can safely plug in your appliances or electronics to use at their proper operating voltage. There are a variety of types and sizes of voltage transformers available, depending on the wattage required to operate your devices. This includes voltage converters for France.


The Proper Voltage Converters for France

When the voltage needs to be reduced from 220 to 110 volts, this is called "stepping down", and a Step-down converter is needed. In this case of using American electronics in France, you'll need a step-down voltage converter. The converter effectively reduces the voltage to the proper number for safely using your North American appliances in France without the risk of fire, electrocution or damage to your electronics.


It is important to note that the size of the voltage converter you will need for France will vary. The sizes vary in watts. If you need something to power your computer or some small personal electronics, 500 watts should be sufficient. If you plan on using your voltage converter to power a hair dryer, blender, coffee maker or something that has a high power draw such as a flat screen TV, the required wattage will be much higher. It's important to check the manufacturer labels on your devices to get an estimate of the wattage and then purchase accordingly. Additionally, in order to avoid problems and because some devices can surge up to twice of their manufacturer stated wattage, it's a good idea to purchase a voltage converter rated for 2 to 2.5 times the wattage you expect to use. This eliminates the risk for failure or damage and acts as a safeguard in countries where voltage may fluctuate or surge during times of busy use.


For more information on choosing the proper voltage converter, check out this helpful Voltage Converter Buying Guide. It contains all the information you'll need to make the right purchase. You'll also learn about plug adapters, and how to be sure that you're 100% ready to use your step-down voltage converter in France without any issues.

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